How to keep your customers interested?

Amazing support from MGS. These guys know what they are doing. I used their extensions in the past but they improved their stuff drastically. No more conflicts with other modules and clean code. Big respect guys. And now, this extension is really great, too. Very nice! Robert

In order to build customer loyalty, it is first necessary to capture and retain their attention. Many business professionals rely on detailed reporting and data analysis, along with market research and consumer demand to make critical marketing and production decisions. While these techniques are proven, reliable ways of helping executives make critical decisions, businesses must not forget to get back to the basics if they truly wish to engage potential new clients while retaining their existing customer base.

By keeping your brand current and fresh, new customers can easily be attracted and existing customers will not become uninterested and bored with your products and services. Creating a variety of content types is the first way to help ensure a fresh consumer perspective.

Advanced Content Manager - An awesome and powerful extension for Magento assists administrator to create a variety of content types, eg. portfolio, testimonial, gallery, news, lookbook... and many other custom forms at light speed but effortlessly at the same time. This content builder is also a breakthrough in Magento 2 extension development owing to its uniqueness and multifunctional maneuver. 

In addition, Advanced content manager does help administrator to create many other custom forms. As far as you can see, the default contact page in Magento cannot meet your demands since you have to add more fields to the form to turn it into a friendly-looking but working form. However, you are not a developer yourself so life seems not to be easy then. Forget about this limitation because our advanced Content extension is far beyond what you thought possible. Another disadvantage of the default form lies in the fact that it only tolerates one email address to receive contact details, but our extension offers more than that.



Ability to create different content types with only ONE advanced content extension.

Particularly when you are in need of adding other pages like Portfolio, Testimonial, News, Gallery… to your current store, you just forget about searching for separate extensions to install. All you want is solely Advanced content maker. It helps you create every page you need with a mouse-click away.

Ability to create various Input types for various content types.

Admin can add appropriate fields correspondingly to specific content type. In each field information, admin can choose 1 among 11 Input types available, eg Text field, Textarea, File Upload, Image Upload, Dropdown, Radio, Checkbox, Multiselect, Date, Store View, Products 

Admin is able to customize URLs of the content page and other related items.

Customizability of URLs of the content pages and item details pages will proficiently resolve the URL friendly and grow SEO a step forward.

Ability to choose available layouts and use Layout Update XML for the content pages and item details page.

Admin can choose appropriate layout among 1 column, 2 columns with left bar, 2 columns with right bar, 3 columns for the page. In addition, the capability of Layout Update XML allows admin to customize the page with a fraction of minute.

Allow admin to modify Meta tags of content pages and item details page.

Admin can add/edit Meta Keywords, Meta Description, enable/disable Breadcrumbs on those pages.

Feasibility to customize HTML of content page.

This advanced content extension is a troubleshooter for developers or any HTML-competent users to easily customize structure of the content pages as they expected


Testimonial (Content)

News (Content)

Lookbook (Content)

Contact Us (Form)

Quote Form (Form)

